Spider-Man Unlimited: The Issue 3 Villain Is …

I guess we should add in the …

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If you haven’t been making Spider-Man Unlimited the only other part of your routine other than sleeping, eating and working for the past week, you may not have completed both issues of the story mode already. That’s good. It means you have some good balance in your life, and that’s healthy.

It takes a lot of leveling up to defeat the final version of the Vulture in Issue 2 — the aptly named Dark Vulture — and when you do, you get a final comic panel sequence and then a message that the next issue is “coming soon.” Drat.

However, in that final sequence of panels, Spider-Man is confronted by a group of floating gentlemen who stay somewhat hidden in the shadows yet clearly have an electricity thing going on. Looks like the Issue 3 villain will be Electro, plus his alternate dimension selves, of course.

That’s not a shocker, as Electro was the only other villain mentioned as part of the Sinister Six before the game released other than Green Goblin and Vulture, who we’ve already met. I’m going to assume Doctor Octopus will be the final member you’ll have to overcome since his giant Mechtopus is stomping around the city.

Time for a Rubber Suit Spider-Man for Issue 3, maybe …