Top 10 Super Hero Video Games Of All Time

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6. Marvel vs. Capcom 2

I may have mentioned earlier that I’m not much of a fighting game aficionado. Or rather, I’m not very good at them, so which Marvel vs. Capcom game is the best of the bunch is a decision I’m not 100 percent qualified to make.

So I decided to let Metacritic decide, and it thinks Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is superior. From a pure comics fan standpoint, this is certainly my favorite roster of characters in the series, featuring everything from the obvious (Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine) to the less A-list but still awesome (Silver Samurai, War Machine). Plus Thanos, who’s in a class all by himself, and Shuma-Gorath, who’s pretty much only known to the world at large because of these games.

It’s fun to watch people throw down on Marvel vs. Capcom at EVO or something, but not as much fun getting your butt kicked. In that respect, Injustice is probably more fun for an unskilled player, but the legacy that this series has built means it’s deserving of a place higher up the list. And if you’re a gamer, all those Capcom characters in the mix are pretty cool too.