Comic Book TV Producers Want Y: The Last Man Or The Dark Knight Returns On The Small Screen

Given that you’re reading a post on this particular site, I don’t need to tell you how comic book adaptation are proliferating on TV at a rapid rate. They’re like rabbits, except, well, awesome rabbits based on comics.

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And while there’s no limit to the number of properties that could join what’s already in the pipeline, The Hollywood Reporter decided to ask a few of the people already producing comic book shows what they’d like to see on TV next. Perhaps surprisingly, they didn’t name any super heroes, at least im their standard settings.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s executive producer Mo Tancharoen went with the Vertigo favorite Y: The Last Man or anything by Brian K. Vaughan. would make for excellent television, in this writer’s opinion, and unlike a lot of properties in the works right now, it has a very definite ending. Ex Machina would also be interesting, as would Marvel’s Runaways for people looking for something a little more conventional.

Andrew Kreisberg of Arrow and Flash almost deserves to have his Powers answer disqualified, as the “cops dealing with super heroes” series is already in production for the PlayStation Network. I guess until we get a confirmed launch date, though, it still qualifies.

Last but not least, the Agent Carter tandem of Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters suggested The Dark Knight Returns, even saying that Michael Keaton was old enough now to play the grizzled Bruce Wayne we know from Frank Miller’s epic. Though difficult to pull off, I’m sure tons of fans would be interested in seeing TDKR filmed. Yet it would almost have to be on premium cable, as it would need to be neutered to be shown on a network, and that wouldn’t be much fun.

Though you’re not a producer of a comic book TV show (unless you are, then welcome!), we want to hear what you’d like to see next as far as comic-to-screen adaptations go. Should TV execs build out on super hero and related universes, or should they venture down more diverse paths? Hit us with a comment or holler at us on Twitter.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)