Could Silk Be Getting Her Own Marvel Comic After Spider-Verse?


The correct answer to any of these hypothetical questions is “we’ll see” or “maybe,” but that’s boring.

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There’s a reason for raising this one, which is that Jamie Lovett of noticed that Marvel registered a trademark for Silk, implying that the company has bigger plans for the character going forward. As we already know Silk will have a significant role in Spider-Verse, Lovett’s speculation that Marvel could be prepping her for her own series after the event makes perfect sense.

In case you haven’t heard of Silk, she’s the result of a not entirely ridiculous addition to Peter Parker’s origin, which is that the radioactive spider could have bitten other people besides just him. In this case, it was Cindy Moon, who gained her own spider-based powers but whose existence was kept a secret until recently.

With Marvel’s track record of expanding winning brands (DC does it too as explained in this column by Brian Hibbs) at every possible turn, a Silk ongoing book would give the Spider-Man line a chance to grow by one without having to do another Peter Parker series. I think it happens, unless Marvel sees a virulently negative reaction to the character in Spider-Verse.

We’ll see. Oops, sorry about that.
