Caped Crusades Giveaway with Sprukits by Bandai

Caped Crusades is proud to announce that we are working in collaboration with Bandai’s Sprukits to bring you an all new prize giveaway! A few weeks ago I published an unboxing article of a Batman Arkham City action figure model kit from Sprukits by Bandai. After I wrote that article my contact at Sprukits and I decided to put together a contest for Caped Crusades readers. To enter our contest all you need to do is like both Caped Crusades and Sprukits on Facebook, or follow both on Twitter. Then send me an email at and your name is entered in the contest.

If you are already following Caped Crusades just make sure to like or follow Sprukits and then send in your email! All names I receive via email will be sent to my contact at Sprukits to verify that all contestants are following or liking Sprukits. The contest will be open for one week and the winners will be announced Thursday October 1st. There will be three  small prize winners and one grand prize winner, making a total of four prizes in all. The three winners of the small prizes will be level 2 Batman Arkham City Sprukit like the one in my unboxing article, worth $19.95. The grand prize will include a level 1 Batman Sprukit worth $9.99, a level 2, and a level three Batman model kit worth $65.99!

We are very excited about this contest and we hope our readers are too! Remember all you need to do is like or follow both Caped Crusades and Sprukits on Facebook or Twitter and then send me an email! Follow these links to the Sprukits Facebook and Twitter pages, and these links to the Caped Crusades Facebook and Twitter pages. Then send your email to!

We want to hear from you! Tell us what you think of our Sprukits giveaway! Want more Batman?  Download the Fansided app for more Batman news! Don’t forget to like Caped Crusades on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Really love Batman? Caped Crusades is always looking for volunteer writers! Leave us a comment, email me at, and apply on!