DCComics.com Reveals #DCTV Secrets of Gotham

The pilot episode of Gotham aired last night on Fox and it was awesome! Today DCComics.com has published an article revealing secrets from that first episode, here’s a blurb from that article:

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"There are a lot of secrets in the world of DC and we know what they are.  We’re here to tease you with all the #DCTV Secrets hiding in each episode.  If you really want to know some of the answers to these questions, check out the spoiler section… if you dare.Hope you enjoyed the pilot episode of GOTHAM as much as we did.  Here are this week’s #DCTV Secrets you might be asking about:We’ve seen pearls falling to the pavement before and a young boy kneeling between the murdered bodies of his parents, but where?Her name is Ivy and she likes plants… a lot.  But is she destined to be the Poison Ivy we know?“In bocca al lupo.”  Carmine Falcone utters these words to Gordon.  What does that mean?He’s a clean cop in a dirty town.  But how much more is there to Jim Gordon?"

Read the full article, written by Paul Malmont, on dccomics.com, here. I am so glad that Paul addresses the confusion over Ivy Pepper, it seems that the people behind Gotham really do have a plan there, and they didn’t just decide to change her name for Gotham. So #DCTV Secrets is going to be taking a look at each episode of Gotham after they air, and I will be discussing them here on Caped Crusades!

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