X-Men: Apocalypse Viral Sites Get The Hype Going Early

Now that Bryan Singer has been confirmed as the director of X-Men: Apocalypse, Fox is wasting no time getting and keeping the next X-Men flick in the public consciousness, even though it doesn’t come out until 2016.

Either that or there really are mutants living among us.

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Pretty sure it’s the first. Two sites have launched on Tumblr that attempt to pull people into the world of the X-Men. One is called the Tandem Initiative, which asks you to assist it with the future of genomics. In addition to giving you projections on how many members of the population will be “genetically gifted” in the years to come, it allows you to share a photo of yourself displaying your gift and describe it in 100 words or less as part of a contest. Will my wife’s mutant ability to attract lousy drivers around her when she’s behind the wheel count? We’ll see.

The other Tumblr is M-Underground, which takes a more X-Files, “the truth is out there” tact. Most notably, it presents evidence that Ted Kennedy was silenced because he was about to reveal he was a mutant. That would explain a lot, actually. Oh, and it’s worth mentioning that the M-Underground thinks the Tandem Initiative is a conspiracy, because it “hacked” the following video off the Tandem servers.

Fun stuff, as long as the people at Fox can keep it up between now and the time X-Men: Apocalypse comes out. We’ll make sure to check back in after, say, six months.

(via Playboy.com)