The New 52: Futures End – September Event – Week 4

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The Flash: Futures End #1

Writer: Van Jensen, Robert Venditti / Artists: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund / Cover: Brett Booth

Official Synopsis

It’s the final showdown between The Flash and his future self for control of the Speed Force—with Wally West’s life hanging in the balance!

Spoiler-Free Reaction 

This story went by as fast as its titular speedster.  There’s not much to say, but great writing and, in a way, a great homage to Flashpoint.  The art in this issue is spectacular and really shows off the powers of the Flash.

Spoilerific Plot Points

  • A future Barry Allen has traveled back in time to warn the present day Barry Allen that the Speed Force is damaged.
  • Future Barry Allen and present day Barry Allen fight inside the Speed Force.  Present day Barry Allen is killed, but Wally West gains the powers of speed.
  • As the future Barry Allen has traveled to the future, he’s greeted by Wally West, who is now the new Flash.
  • No current tie-in with Futures End.

If you haven’t yet, check out more Week 4 reviews of The New 52: Futures End September Event: