DC Claims Unit, Dollar Sales Victories For September Comic Sales Thanks To Futures End


Say what you want about the lenticular 3D covers and month-long, line-wide publishing initiative that DC has used for its comics for the past two Septembers. All the company knows is that they work.

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That was made clear again today as DC issued a press release stating that according to numbers released by Diamond Comic Distributors, the company sold 3.5 million comic books last month, making it the top publisher in terms of both units and dollars sold. The release also indicates that this was the fourth straight year DC was able to claim victory in September.

Where September 2013 was Villains Month, this year saw all of the ongoing DC series jump ahead five years as part of the Futures End storyline that is running in its own weekly series. Once again, all of those issues came in both standard versions for $2.99 and with the enhanced lenticular covers for $3.99. Two of those books, Batman Futures End #1 and Harley Quinn Futures End #1, finished among the top five sellers for September, while the Batman: Death of the Family book and Joker mask set was the month’s #1 overall comic book.

(via Comic Book Resources)