All Of The Marvel Comics Summer 2015 Event Teasers So Far

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Old Man Logan

An evil landlord Hulk. A symbiote-powered dinosaur. And a country split up into individual villain-controlled fiefdoms. Has a dystopian future ever been any cooler than this one?

Most of this teaser looks pretty straightforward, and the awesome part is how even the things you don’t recognize totally look like they could have been part of Millar and McNiven’s arc. For exaple, I don’t remember a Spider-Girl with a shotgun or a random kid wearing Ant-Man’s helmet, but that definitely could have happened.

It’s just that if Wolverine is alive 50 years from now, he can’t be dead in whatever world is depicted here. At least that’s usually how that stuff works; I acknowledge we’re talking about comic books here. It’s another mystery to add to the pile of enigmas Marvel has already built up with these images.

Next: Now for something completely different … and Inhuman