Marvel Gives First Look At Avengers: Rage Of Ultron Cover


We know all about Avengers: Age of Ultron, but what about Avengers: Rage of Ultron? And why is everyone’s favorite insane robot so mad?

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The answers are coming next April, when the OGN (original graphic novel) by Rick Remender, Jerome Opena and Dean White bring us a special story that takes place in two different eras. In Marvel’s first look at the cover to Avengers: Rage of Ultron, you can see a classic Avengers lineup of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Hank Pym, making this a can’t miss book for anyone who finds today’s roster a little too radical for their liking.

As for the story, it involves Ultron gaining control of the powerful computer core of Saturn’s moom Titan, as the Eternals apparently don’t have very good firewalls.Armed with that kind of power, he’s able to give birth to Planet Ultron, and whatever that it, humanity is going to be worse off because of it.

“When you release a cutting-edge graphic novel featuring some of the greatest pop-culture icons in the world just in time for their next summer blockbuster, you go big,” Executive Editor Tom Brevoort said in a press release. “That’s why we brought out some of the industry’s top flight talent, Rick Remender, Jerome Opeña and Dean White for an unforgettable adventure that will redefine Ultron, one of the Avengers’ baddest villains for old and new fans alike.”

The timing of the OGN’s release is certainly no coincidence, coming just before Age of Ultron hits theaters. Take a gander at the cover and prepare for another showdown with the Avengers’ most persistent foe.

Next: Five things to know about Ultron