Check Out These Amazing 16th Century Versions Of Marvel, DC Heroes

I filed this under Cosplay because it’s the closest appropriate category, but this is more like cosplay combined with fine art. These pictures are the work of artist Sacha Goldberger, who has a team of costume and makeup experts help him turn people into famous Marvel and DC heroes (plus some Star Wars characters) as they might look if they were around in the 16th Century. Goldberger’s inspiration was actual Flemish paintings, and the results are remarkable.

Here’s Captain America, albeit 200 years before the U.S.A. was even born, give or take:

And just to prove there’s no Marvel/DC favoritism in his work, here’s an uncanny Superman if he was portrayed by Christopher Reeve’s great-great-great-great-grandfather:

There are many more, including Hulk, Iron Man, Batman and Wonder Woman, just to name a few. You can check out more of them in the Photos section of Goldberger’s Facebook page, along with pics of his exhibition from the School Gallery Paris. Some of his cosplayers were there in person as well.

Anyway, next time someone calls comic book super heroes low art, just show them this. End of discussion.

(via i09’s Toybox)

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