Logo Placement Means No Controversy For Spider-Woman Variant


A while back, there was a Spider-Woman #1 variant that caused a flap when it was first revealed by Marvel. You probably remember it, or at least the jokes about Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda,” which came out about the same time as those solicitations.

Not ringing any bells? Sigh … Fine, here it is again, as originally unveiled by Comic Book Resources, just to refresh your memory:

Yep, that’s the one. That issue hits stands this week, spinning off from Spider-Verse as Jessica Drew gets an important mission in the fight against Morlun and his family of Inheritors.

So the discussion/controversy is going to spark up again, right? As i09 reports, it probably won’t, thanks to some strategic logo placement. You see, the version that you’ll actually see when you hit your LCS looks like this:

Clever. Butt sticking up in the air? What butt sticking up in the air? Nothing to see here, please move along.

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