The Evolution of The Batmobile


The Batmobile. Batman’s preferred mode of transportation over the years has changed quite significantly through its various incarnations on TV shows and movies of the years, from the original Adam West TV show to the upcoming Batman V. Superman movie. Michigan Live has a pretty comprehensive look at the various forms the Batmobile has taken on over the years. All different and unique, but still very much a fit for Batman.

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Michigan Live also talked with car legend Carl Casper, who actually worked on the Batmobile for the Tim Burton-directed Batman Returns. Casper gave his impressions on a couple different Batmobiles, namely the one from Batman Forever & Batman & Robin.

"That’s a really different Batmobile. It’s an open air one-seater."

Casper also talked about Christopher Nolan’s radical re-design of the Batmobile for his Dark Knight Trilogy.

"Chris more or less wanted a military-looking vehicle. … so with the wild weaponry, the armored body panels, it gave a much more serious look to the Batmobile and Batman."

Casper also couldn’t pick out a favorite Batmobile, claiming he’s liked every one so far. What’s your favorite Batmobile, Caped Crusaders? Let us know in the comments!

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