Marvel Finds Its Jessica Jones In Krysten Ritter

She was the “B—- in Aparment 23,” but now Krysten Ritter is going to be playing someone a little more heroic and a lot more powerful.

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Marvel hasn’t made an official announcement yet, but Deadline is saying that Ritter has been cast as Jessica Jones in the Netflix series of the same name. That same report claims Teresa Palmer was also in the running for the role but that Ritter eventually got the nod.

The 32-year old Ritter has a movie career that dates back to 2001 and has appeared in TV shows for the last decade, most notably in a recurring role as Jane Margolis on Breaking Bad. Though Jessica Jones will only be 13 episodes, Ritter will also be playing the character in the Luke Cage series and in the Defenders mini-series that will follow the four solo Netflix super hero shows.

Jones has a somewhat complicated comic book history, as she was created by Brian Michael Bendis for his Alias series, which focused on her time as a private investigator. She was retroactively made a high school classmate of Peter Parker and an unsuccessful super hero named Jewel (after an accident involving — you guessed it — radioactive chemicals gave her super strength, increased durability and flight), though she later was drawn back into the hero life while also marrying and having a daughter with Cage.

It sounds as if the Netflix series will focus on Jones’ Alias days, perhaps ending with her reassuming a costumed identity to team with the other heroes in the Defenders. The start date for Jessica Jones has yet to be revealed, though it has been announced as the second of the four single-hero Marvel series.

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