Five Lame Villains We Don’t Need To See On The Flash

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I’m well aware that not everyone shares my love for the Flash’s Rogues. If you snoop around the internets a bit, you’ll find that plenty of people already think Flash has a weak set of villains, simply because they don’t like the gimmicky nature that forms the basis for most of their powers. I’ll admit that some of their names are also a little cringe-worthy, but all told, I feel like the Fastest Man Alive has a number of strong, memorable foes, some of whom have already popped up on TV.

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The fact that we’ve already seen a take on Rainbow Raider and the news that the Trickster is on the way are proof that the show’s producers feel like they can work with some of the tackier Rogues. Still, there are places even they shouldn’t tread, because Flash does have his share of stinkers as well.

It’s not up to me, but if it were, these five lame villains would never get anywhere near The Flash on television:

5. Fiddler

It’s probably a little unfair to pick on the villains from the Golden Age Flash, as comics were simply a lot different back then. But somehow the Fiddler stuck around well past the time that Jay Garrick passed the baton to Barry Allen, so we need to make sure he doesn’t pop up on TV.

What’s lame about the Fiddler? Pretty much everything, from the fact that he uses a Stradivarius violin as the focus for his powers to the way he used to drive around in the Fiddle Car. Yes, that’s exactly what it sounds like: a car shaped like a giant violin. How Flash didn’t laugh himself silly every time he had to race to stop him in that thing, I’ll never know.

Barry Allen already has a better foe (and sometimes friend) who uses instruments as the basic for sonic tricks: Pied Piper, who we already know is confirmed to make a Season 1 appearance. He doesn’t need to battle a guy dressed like a musician from several centuries ago. I like to think I’m a fan of the classics, but there’s nothing iconic about the Fiddler. He’s simply a relic from a bygone age.

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