The Black Vortex Arrives … As A Bookmark


What do we know about the Black Vortex so far? Well, we know it’s the cosmic artifact at the heart of the crossover that begins in the comic with the longest title in recent memory, Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha #1. We know it’s written by Legendary Star-Lord scribe and all around cool guy Sam Humphries. And we know it’s not good for just anyone to look directly into the Black Vortex itself.

Alas, you’re going to get a chance to do just that, at least in a manner of speaking. To promote the beginning of the crossover, Marvel is shipping a special Black Vortex bookmark to comic shops everywhere. On one side, it’s merely the reading order for the event. But on the other side … well, let’s just say it could (but probably won’t) unlock the cosmic potential inside you. Even if it doesn’t, it’s still got a cool, embossed, reflective surface so you can act like you’re gazing into an unspeakably powerful object.

I’m pretty sure it will also keep your place in a book like a normal bookmark, but don’t quote me on that. The bookmark should arrive even before Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex Alpha #1 (copied and pasted, because I’m not typing all that again) arrives on February 4, so bug the folks at your LCS about how to get one now.

Next: More on The Black Vortex