50 Greatest Super Heroes In Comic Book History

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19. Human Torch

(Write-up by Nick Tylwalk, Bam Smack Pow Editor)

Other heroes represent the kind of person you wish you would be if you suddenly acquired super powers. Johnny Storm, on the other hand, is the type of hero you probably would be if your first flight into outer space ended with you able to burst into flames without hurting yourself and fly around in a visually dazzling manner.

The Human Torch is the rock star of superhumans; someone who’s got no use for a secret identity because he wants the world to know exactly who he is and what he can do. There’s no doubting his heroic nature — as he kind of, sort of, made the ultimate sacrifice in the comics not too long ago — but Johnny would be lying if he didn’t admit that he’s in it for the adulation and not just saving the world.

If you think about it, that’s a much more realistic motivation than someone who’s incredibly selfless just because. Even though we’re all taught that good deeds should be done for their own inherent value, what’s the harm in getting the credit for them too?

Credit Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for matching powers and personality perfectly for the Human Torch as well. You’d probably be recommended for counseling if you admitted as a kid that you wanted to be like Johnny Storm, but having abilities as showy as his is pure wish fulfillment. If the rumors of Marvel shelving the Fantastic Four for a while are true, this is the member to watch for breakout solo stardom. You heard it here first.

Next: No. 20: No joke, the king of the seas