The third installment of Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program left us with Endo trying to contact her long-lost fiancé. Unknown to Endo, the multiple calls made to her fiancé’s cell phone compromise the team’s location. The third issue ends with a dark-figured woman standing over what appears to be occupied body bags, barking orders to find the team of escapees and capture them. We embark into the fourth issue with the futures of Endo, Junk, Skel, Neuro and Sharp looking fairly grim.
Spoilers Below
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #4 breakdown
Frustrated that she is unable to get ahold of her soon-to-be husband, Endo utilizes her super-speed and bolts towards their Cleveland-based home. Unknown to her, she is being followed. She arrives at her former home to find that it is for sale and completely vacant. Endo’s followers break into the house and confront her.
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Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is back at the van arguing about whether or not to chase after Endo. After a short debate, it is decided that Junk and Skel will take the van and track down Endo, while Neuro and Sharp will leave to continue seeking answers. After Skel and Junk leave, Sharp sucker punches an unexpecting Neuro, leaving him totally unconscious. It becomes clear that Sharp has officially sided with the mysterious voice in his head and has decided to travel solo.
Back at the vacant home in Cleveland, Endo is unwilling to compromise until she gets some answers about were her fiancé is. Surprised at her request, the man in charge decides to grant her the wish. He tells her that her fiancé Taylor was actually a female, and that she (Endo) was a man before her time at paradise. The male Endo’s medical record interested Cornelius, the head of Paradise Facility, while his significant other, Taylor, seemed to be expendable. The intruders attempt to use a poison on Endo in order to subdue her. But instead of passing out, Endo “Hulks out,” so to speak, becoming a taller and much more muscular version of herself. Skel and Junk show up just in time to see Endo laying waste to her foes. Without hesitation the two mutants join the fight.
As the issue closes, we finally find out who is pulling the strings inside of Sharp’s mind. The voice describes himself as an eternal warrior from Japan. Claiming he was the master of Logan, he admits that he was in need of a host body to live through. After he was unable to live through Logan, he opted to possess Sharp. The final page reveals Sharp’s body with the devil-like face of Ogun.
Final Thoughts
Wow! This issue had a lot happen in it. First of all, Endo is a man (kinda)? Truth be told, I probably could have gone without that twist, but it was unforeseen, and it shows what Soule is willing to do. I will admit that it put a little more perspective on what type of person Cornelius is. Other than that, I’m super interested to see the direction this series goes. I like that Ogun is the voice inside Sharp’s head. I thought it was a little cheesy when the voice was suspected to be Logan, but now that it is one of Logan’s mentors, I’m excited to see what’s in store for Sharp. Stay tuned to see what’s going to happen next for this now broken-up team of mutant test subjects.