Joe Letteri Promises Epic Batman v Superman Sequence


Weta Digital is working on a top secret seqeunce for the upcoming Batman v Superman film. And Weta Digital’s Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Joe Letteri promises it’ll be something special.

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Below is a video where Joe Letteri is talking about the special effects in a bunch of movies, including The Hobbit, the upcoming Avatar sequels, and of course Batman v Superman. As Joe Letteri explains, Weta is working on one-sequence that is described as “self-contained”, but Letteri stated “you’ll be able to pick it out when you see it”.

Getting one special effects house to do one sequence in particular, especially in a movie that’s going to be as heavy with special effects as Batman v Superman, speaks to an really impressive scene that is meant to stand out. Could it be for a big showdown between Batman & Superman? Or maybe a fight with rumored super villain Doomsday (or even Lex Luthor in some kind of super armor)? We’ll find out when Batman v Superman hits theaters March 25th, 2016.

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