Viola Davis IS Amanda Waller in ‘Suicide Squad’


Rumors surrounding the casting of DC’s resident badass bureaucrat Amanda Waller were wild and rampant. At one point it was thought that DC was the most interested in Oprah Winfrey for the role in the upcoming Suicide Squad film.  That was never confirmed, but it was widely considered the case.

Another name that popped up frequently in the process was that of Viola Davis.

When asked by Nerd Report about her possible casting and whether she’d read any comics for research yet, Davis let slip

"I have not started reading them yet. I’ve read up about her but I’m working out my schedule for Suicide Squad.I’m fascinated by her. I’m fascinated by her in this world of superhero-ness because she is not a woman that you would expect. I think that she is a massive contradiction. She’s this big powerful black woman, hard, ready to pick up a gun and shoot anyone at will. I’m fascinated in exploring her psychology, just put it that way. And I’m excited to pick up a gun."

Sounds pretty solid to me. Since Davis is a hot name coming off of her award winning performance in The Help, the cast is getting pretty impressive. She Joins Will Smith (Deadshot), Tom Hardy (Rick Flag), Jared Leto (the Joker), Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn), Jai Courtney (*Captain* Boomerang), Cara Delevingne (Enchantress), and Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luther. It’s not known how big of a role characters like Luthor and Joker will play, but they are guaranteed play big roles throughout the formation of the DC Cinematic Universe. I imagine Waller will do the same.

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