The CW Already Has Enough DC Heroes To Make A Justice League


Before anyone starts yelling at me, I don’t mean right this second. No one has suggested we’d be seeing any type of Justice League on the small screen this season or any time soon.

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But Stephen Amell, TV”s Oliver Queen, has mentioned in the past that he felt like the DC TV shows on The CW were building a Justice League, or at least working toward that type of concept. I’d argue that they’re already there, or at least will be by the end of the current television season.

Granted, the traditional number of heroes to start a Justice League is seven, but I expect we’ll have six in the fold by the time May sweeps are upon us. That’s enough to put together something resembling a Satellite Era JLA lineup, minus the DC Trinity, obviously.

If a threat was ever big enough to gather an entire on The CW next season, here’s who would be answering the call:

  • Arrow – We all know that Oliver is coming back eventually, probably stronger for his brush with death and his rashness at challenging Ra’s al Ghul. I’d expect that his seniority as a costumed hero in the Arrow-verse would make him a natural leader for our hypothetical TV Justice League, though he’d probably do it grudgingly.
  • The Flash – Obviously, the Fastest Man Alive would be down for this. The first Arrow/Flash crossover established Barry’s fondness for the idea of super hero team-ups; you’d have to think he’d be even more excited about a whole group coming together.
  • Arsenal – There’s some precedent for Roy Harper as a Justice League member, as Brad Meltzer gave him a spot on the comic book team (as Red Arrow) back in 2006. He seems like he’s going to be thrown into the fire while Arrow is out of commission, so he should be better able to handle himself on a team by the end of this season.
  • Black Canary – We haven’t seen Laurel Lance take over for her sister yet, but it’s coming. She’ll be even greener than Arsenal as a costumed hero, and from what we’ve seen on Arrow, she might not play that well with others. But would anyone be able to stop her if she decided she wanted to participate?
  • Atom – Ray Palmer’s fledgling attempts at being a costumed hero are also likely to be accelerated by the absence of Starling City’s hooded protector. That should make him ready by next fall, and while he’s not exactly like his comics counterpart, he’d still serve as the scientific brains of the team.
  • Firestorm – This poor guy is like a lost soul right now, but every indication is that the Flash and his S.T.A.R. Labs pals will be able to start helping him later this year. Even in his current state, he was effective at chasing off the Reverse-Flash, bailing Barry Allen out of a tight spot, so you’d think he would be down for further collaborations once he gets his mind right.

You want a bigger lineup. I’m cool with that, though we’re reaching a little bit more here and looking further down the road. But hey, why not take it all the way, right?

  • Wildcat – It’s already been established that Ted Grant has a prior history as a costumed vigilante. He’s retired now, but if the stakes were high enough, it’d be all hands on deck. Wildcat is traditionally a member of the Justice Society of America, but we’ve seen him with the League in animated form on Justice League Unlimited.
  • Supergirl – Her show is still in development, and it’s on CBS. Still, The CW has already shown some interest in a potential crossover, and what would be a better reason than the need for all DC heroes on TV to gather? Supergirl would add some much-needed muscle to the team and ensure that the Justice League had someone sporting the red ‘S.’
  • John Diggle – He’s going to be sporting the Arrow’s hood at some point during Oliver’s absence, and some fans believe he’ll end up with a costumed identity of his own at some point. Having another tactician on the team certainly couldn’t hurt.
  • Vibe – As far as we know, Cisco Ramon didn’t get any super powers from the particle accelerator explosion in Central City. Does that mean he couldn’t acquire some down the road? Of course not, especially since we know the Cisco in the comics always ends up with some.

Again, there’s no guarantee we’ll ever see anything like this happen. It’s certainly possible, though, and that’s an exciting prospect. Geoff Johns, Marc Guggenheim and company, if any of you are reading, please make this happen. I can almost gurantee the fan reaction will make the time, money and logistical effort it would take to pull it off well worth it.

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