Crew Shows Off New ‘Batman v Superman’ Logo


Our first glimpse of Batman v Superman came in 2013 at Comic-Con. The lights went down at Hall H and up came the Dawn of Justice logo. The crowd erupted and the blogosphere imploded.

The design of the logo kick started the engine of the speculation machine instantly. The shape of the bat lead to fanboys talking about Frank Miller and The Dark Knight Returns. The dark look of the symbol brought up the same complaints about the tone of Man of Steel. Then, of course, who would play Batman?

Well, we know a whole lot more now, but the only change in the logo since came in the form of the movie subtitle reveal. Now we have a look of the new, 2-d mark, as seen on film crew patches.

It’s inspired by the Batman/Superman comic logo (I still think it should be called World’s Finest) and uses the new versions of both hero’s marks.

The new BvS symbol is different from the first teaser image in that the bat has been modified to reflect the one on Batfleck’s costume. I think we can expect to see this on a TON of merchandise in the near future.

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