Gotham Review: The Fearsome Dr. Crane


So Jonathon Crane inherited his madness from his father? It’s fascinating to be honest, we all know that parents can have a huge impact on the mental health of their children, even well into adulthood, but this is so interesting. I tell ya, I wish this story had been written sooner so Dr. Travis Langley, author of Batman and Psychology a Dark and Stormy Knight, could have analyzed it in said book. I would love the chance to speak to Langley on the subject!

Penguin is a schemer, but he’s not quite as careful as he thinks he is; if he were, he would know when to keep his mouth shut, or at least come up with a better way of telling Maroni or Falcone when he has made a bold move without their permission, or assures them that something is done when he has not personally seen it completed.

“A bird in the hand is nine tenths of the law” that phrase was trending on Twitter among all those who like to live tweet Gotham as I do. Clearly Penguin at least has the brains not to try and correct Maroni that the saying is either “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” or “Possession is nine tenths of the law”. Given what Penguin just told him I think he meant to say the latter phrase.

Fish and Penguin really have it out for each other, of course she took the first opportunity she had to snitch on him to Maroni. See a guy about a thing? Why would Penguin believe that?

The Medical Examiner has made formal complaints about Nygma probably because Nygma is better at being the M.E. than he is, likely finding evidence the M.E. misses, or purposely overlooks.

I still want to know where Essen was headed when she got the call about Crane’s first victim, she’s all made up and looks very nice, that is not the kind of make up she wears in the office, and I know she didn’t get all pretty to go to the scene of a murder.

That was a pretty big risk Harvey just took, leaning over the edge of the roof when he knew he was being watched by Detective Flask’s friends, they all would have backed each other up that he was drunk and fell over, no matter what Essen said or did she likely wouldn’t have been able to put anyone away had he been murdered right there.

Of course we the audience know that Selina is lying to Bruce and to Jim, we’ve seen the first episode of Gotham, we watched her witness the Wayne murders, but of course she grew up on the streets, she feels it’s safer for her if no one believes she saw anything, which given that assassins came after her at Wayne Manor, where she definitely should have been safe, I can see her point.

Bruce seems more and more like an adult when he deals with people like Jim, and only really seems like the kid he is around Selina, and occasionally Alfred being tender can bring out the innocence in him as well.

Had I been Penguin, I would have jumped in the driver’s seat of that car and driven away as fast as I could when Maroni exited the car. But then I don’t have a death wish.

So, Don Maroni is not as dumb as Penguin has made him seem thus far, that’s something to keep in mind for the future I’m sure. Maybe he was just a little too trusting of his favorite pet lackey.

I really like this girl Scottie Mullen, she is perfect for Bullock, I can see why he falls for her. I guess Bullock likes his ladies Irish.

It must be such a sad thing to be so scared of that cute wee little piglet, personally that would lure me to Dr. Crane as I would want to pet and cuddle the little sweetie.

Poor Nygma, caught with his hand in the cookie jar so to speak. Also if Nygma is in charge of forensics you can be sure that he wouldn’t have made a mistake that Bullock would be complaining about, which leads me to think that what he was griping about to a fellow officer when Ms. Mullen came in was a mistake made by the M.E. who as I already suspected, is likely poor at his job and misses evidence/makes mistakes.

Pigs really are a strange animal to have a phobia of, although the actor David Boreanas (Bones) admits to a fear of chickens. It’s a good thing Bullock and Gordon were able to save Crane’s second victim.

Even with all of Falcone’s people out to get her, Fish still has enough resources to take a ship out of Gotham.

Hmm, maybe I was wrong, Essen is still all nicely made up, possibly I just haven’t noticed before.

“You’re an odd man Mr. Nygma” you know when I call my husband odd it is definitely a term of endearment, no matter how true the statement is, might this be the case with Ms. Kringle?

Penguin will hopefully learn from this encounter, always check a gun for bullets, even if you think you saw it loaded. He also should have told Maroni long ago that he was playing Falcone, pretending to be his informant among Maroni’s men while he was really a double agent, or would that make him a triple agent?

Jim Gordon really isn’t the most romantically minded man, bringing up a murder case on a date, really.

This Scottie Mullen is very good at playing Bullock, she can easily get him to open up to her it seems. I like her more and more with every scene she’s in.

Penguin sure is good at dodging death, I’ll give him that, maybe one of his deadly scrapes will lead to him being deformed to look a bit more like the Penguin we are all accustomed to seeing.

You know, I said while I was live tweeting this episode that I thought suspending Nygma was a bad idea, that it would hasten the approach of The Riddler, and with what he does to the M.E. I have to say I think I’m right.

In the meeting of the phobics Crane mentions that he gets his affliction from his father, so I wonder if that means that Jonathon’s grandfather was as twisted and obsessed with fear as he and his dad are?

Penguin is very persuasive, it’s why he’s managed to live so long, he easily cons people into doing what he wants.

I have to wonder where Nygma got all those body parts to set up the Medical Examiner.

Jonathon is clearly already screwed up or he wouldn’t have been able to just leave his father alone with Ms. Mullen, but of course creeps like Crane tend to warp their children young, so they will obey their parents wishes.

Bullock and Gordon save the girl but Crane gets away, and he happens to have a ready body available to experiment on in the form of his son. Next week is certainly a can’t miss episode for Gotham fans.

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