Fan Film: Batman: My Bloody Valentine


It’s a few day’s past Valentine’s Day, but that’s no reason to miss out an an excellent Batman Fan Film!

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In “Batman: My Bloody Valentine” by K&K Produtions, The Joker is holding a bunch of people hostage, all while gleefully singing his his special twisted take on the classic love song “When I Fall In Love”. Of course Batman shows up to save the day, but he can’t save them all, sadly. Check out “Batman: My Bloody Valentine” below:

It’s a pretty impressive piece of work. I’d actually venture to say the fighting in “Batman: My Bloody Valentine” are better than the fight scenes in the Christopher Nolan Batman films, which always felt clumsy to me.

K&K production also made a pretty cool behind the scenes video for “Batman: My Bloody Valentine” as well:

This is definitely one of the better fan films I’ve seen in a while, hopefully K&K productions gets to work on some big films, they seem to have promising future ahead of them.

h/t CBR

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