Another source states that Marvel have already cast their new Spider-Man


Earlier we ran an article from a leak on Reddit that confirmed that Dylan O’Brien had been cast as Marvel’s Spider-Man. Poppycock was the first thing that came to my head but then I started being rational and fair. The leaker has already proven themselves by getting news of Marvel’s ground-breaking Spider-Man deal with Sony out there before it happened, so there’s a small precedent for being right there!

Then there’s this video

Now it’s possible that the source in this video this is the same person, ie. The leaker putting multiple strands out there to make a story stick and like a fly getting trapped in a spider’s web we’re reporting on it hook, line and sinker! So I will state right now that this is NOT confirmed, NOTHING has been confirmed and for the moment all of this is all just an elaborate attempt to start a Spider-Man related rumour! Got that?

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