Gotham Review: Everyone Has A Cobblepot


Welcome fellow Batman fans, to another Gotham Episode Review! The show is taking a month off so this will be the last review I do for a few weeks, but I promise, Gotham will be back and so will I! I want to apologize for how late this review is, things have been pretty hectic for me and unfortunately that means that this review got delayed. But here it is at last my review for the Gotham episode titled Everyone Has A Cobblepot. If you haven’t yet seen the episode please be aware that my review will contain plenty of spoilers for the episode. As a matter of fact, since my reviews basically just give you a look into my mind as I watched the episode, it may not make a whole lot of sense if you haven’t seen the episode yet.

At first I was really mad that Alfred would protect Reggy from the police after what he did, but then of course I realized that Alfred would want to take care of Reggy himself. Sometimes we forget that Bruce can give Alfred orders, mostly because he is an intelligent boy who doesn’t try to abuse power, he knows who is the adult in their relationship. But sometimes Alfred needs a direct order to do what is best for himself, and I love that these two are quickly falling into a wonderful partnership.

Fish always works any situation to her advantage as best she can, and she’s pretty damn good at it.

I had heard that Fish’s replacement eye was cybernetic, but I have to say it looks human enough. Damn that doctor, the Doll Maker, is very creepy.

I always knew that Commissioner Lobe was incompetent and as corrupt as most cops in Gotham, but wow is he ever horrible on Gotham. One of the things I really like about Gotham is all the glimpses we get into these familiar Batman characters, glimpses that give us an entirely knew understanding of these characters. In a normal Batman story many of these characters are merely extras in Batman’s life, but on Gotham, where Batman does not yet exist, we can see them come into their own.

I know Gordon must have been feeling betrayed by Bullock after seeing that tape, but he really should have realized what was going on with his partner. I don’t understand how such an intelligent man, such a good detective, could be so blind. Looking at the way Harvey Bullock handled things when Gordon was supposed to have killed Cobblepot, and the way he reacted when Oswald came back, should really have clued Gordon into how things work in Gotham, and what that meant for Bullock.

I love that Harvey keeps begging Jim to fall in line and do as is expected of him, but at the same time he keeps going along with Jim as he keeps breaking the rules and fighting the corruption. This has made me realize two things about Harvey Bullock. One, he cares a lot about Jim Gordon. He tries to convince Jim to leave well enough alone out of concern for Jim’s safety, and he is also loyal enough to Jim to help him out when he sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. Two he is really a good cop, he is only corrupt to the point that it will keep him alive and working in a corrupt system. Harvey Bullock isn’t proud of having done bad things, he only did them so that he could keep breathing, and stay a cop. He wants to fight the corruption too, which is why he always backs Jim’s plays, even when he thinks it’s suicidal.

I have to say that the special effects for the ‘doll’ that Dulmacher a.k.a. Doll Maker shows Fish are really sad. It didn’t look real at all. I don’t usually have a whole lot of complaints about this show, other than with the episode Balloon Man which was fraught with ridiculousness,  but I have a big problem with this. This show is mostly supposed to be rooted within our own realm of reality. We haven’t seen much on this show that really errs on the side of the fantastic and impossible, though plenty in Batman’s world do. So it is disappointing to see such bad special effects used. We fans of Gotham want to see a much more realistic depiction of one of Doll Maker’s dolls. That would really be scary.

Aw, Bruce and Selina are so adorable, look at that cute hug! It’s so nice to see that she still cares a lot about Bruce. After the way they left things between them, with her claiming that she was lying about witnessing his parents murder, and telling him to stop looking for her and contacting her, it’s obvious she still cares about what happens to him. I am not really all that sure why she lied about her status as a witness, since we all know she did see the murder, but it is clear that she has cared about Bruce and about what happens to him ever since she watched him breakdown in that alley next to his parents bodies. She’s been invested in his life ever since; watching him from afar, sneaking in to check on him, and then of course befriending him. The question now in my mind is will he be able to forgive her for lying? I don’t mean will he forgive her for claiming to be a witness when she wasn’t, because I really think he will forgive her for that. I just don’t think it will be easy for him to forgive her when he finds out she really did witness his parents’ murders. For some reason I see that betrayal as being the one that really cuts deep.

Selina volunteered to help and I think she probably will, she cares way too much about Bruce to let him do this on his own because from her perspective she has a much better understanding of the way the world works, and is better at taking care of herself.

Ah Detective Bullock to the rescue! As I said earlier he always backs Gordon’s plays. And here Gordon hoped to never have to work with Penguin again. He should have realized that wouldn’t happen. Wow what the hell is wrong with Penguin’s hair?!

I’m actually amazed that guard lasted a whole two days in the basement, I can’t believe the prisoners didn’t kill him.

I’m also very concerned that Jim trusted Oswald enough to watch the couple that attacked them while he and Harvey went upstairs. Personally I’d have left Harvey who I trust downstairs and taken Oswald who I don’t trust with me.

Poor Edward Nygma, why won’t the pretty Kristen Kringle give him the time of day? I think she is warming to him, after all I tweeted as much while live tweeting an episode of Gotham a few weeks back and Chelsea Spack, who plays Ms. Kringle favorited my tweet. Unfortunately I predict that just as she is finally ready to give Nygma a chance he is going to go full on Riddler. OR they go on their first date and there is some mishap (like a guy similar to Detective Flass mocking him on their date) or he thinks she went with him out of pity and it sets him off. Do bear in mind that I am coming to these conclusions partly because of things I have seen in Batman stories past, like when Jervis Tetch first became The Mad Hatter in Batman The Animated Series in the episode Mad As A Hatter.

I knew fairly quickly that Commissioner Lobe’s daughter was the one who killed her mother, though we were meant to think at first that he hid her away because she witnessed him killing her mother. I thought that was too obvious, and besides, hiding away your crazy murderous daughter is something most loving parents will do, at least on TV. One would hope that in reality a loving parent would have told the authorities the truth so as to get their child the help they need. Lobe’s daughter is clearly very mentally ill, she would not have gone to prison for killing her mother, but I guess Lobe wanted to protect her from going to a mental hospital, and he wanted to protect his own reputation, after all he was a detective who was probably already working on his political career twenty years ago when his daughter killed his wife. If it had been found out that his daughter was mentally ill and murderous he might never have made it to commissioner.

Gordon realized that Lobe didn’t kill his wife as soon as Miriam started talking about the birds, and that’s also when my husband Eric, the co-editor of Caped Crusades also got it. I knew just a little before him. Okay actually I knew as soon as she introduced herself. And yeah Lobe I’d say Miriam is very sick, although I’m not sure that keeping her out of Arkham is in her best interest.

Well folks, that’s it for me, I’ll be back with another Gotham review in a few weeks when the show is back!

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