Amazing Spider-Man #16 Recap


That crazy Spider-Verse business is over now, and it’s time for Peter to resume his not so normal life of super-heroism and being the CEO of Parker Industries in Amazing Spider-Man #16.

We open to the Central Park Zoo Reptile House, where Iguana is attempting to ring in the new age of reptiles; first thing on the reptilian agenda, taking out Spider-Man. He seems to be doing well amidst the various crocodiles and snakes attacking him, until the Iguana tackles him through the exhibit’s glass windows. Pete notes that he should’ve easily dodged the blow, but he’s slower and weaker due to the life force the Inheritor Morlun drained from him.

To complicate matters further he gets two phone calls mid fight: Aunt May calls him from the Pinkerton Auction House, and Anna calls him right after. Anna angrily reminds him that he is (as the Parker in Parker Industries) is supposed to meet with a committee that will back his super-villain prison, and Sajani is not very happy that he’s not there to back a project he forced the company into, and that she doesn’t believe in.

Spider-Man retorts with his belief that the project is a stellar idea. He reminds her what Green Goblin and Electro did to the city, that the project could solve the problem by curing the villains of their powers; that some of the bad guys are bad because their powers change them, and that they need help. While this conversation is happening, Spidey is gaining ground against Iguana and promptly takes him down and webs him up as the cops arrive on scene -a classic move.

As Peter swings away from his fight with Iguana, we cut to the Department of Corrections, where rival company Alchemax (yep from the year 2099) are making their bid for their own Super Villain Corrections Facility, with Pete’s old friend Liz Allan and Tiberius Stone leading the project. Using Liz’s brother, the former Molten Man -now cured, as proof, they show the schematics of their enhanced inmate prison.

Peter arrives just in time -hastily putting on his work suit, as the Alchemax crew leaves the board room. Liz Allan helps him fix his tie, remembering how he would always stumble into class late during high school, with Pete reminding her that even with his tardiness he was Valedictorian, and as they walk into the meeting Liz says that she wishes there was a way to throw a wrench in Peter’s plans, for he always seems to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Cue ominous looks from her brother and Tiberius.

We soon find out the reason as the next page brings us to the Black Cat’s villainous establishment, the Slide-Away Casino, teeming with bad guys. Tiberius and Mark Allan open up a suitcase full of cash and strike a deal to put Parker out of business… permanently. Their assassin: Ghost.

Then we change pace with a Black Cat short, beginning with a scene in the back room of casino where the Black Cat is punishing the Ringer (a C-level villain) for not providing her weekly cut of cash money. The Ringer briefly tricks her into almost sympathizing with him before attempting to fight his way out of the room. Felicia quickly puts an end to that with a quick strike, and commands her minions Killer Shrike and Melter to make an example out of him. Cue Shzzz, GGAIIIIEEEE! sound effects.

The issue ends with a Black Cat monologue, where she points out that the harder she falls into her new, more villainous ways, the more her luck powers skyrocket. In the final panels, she swears that she will steal her life back, every last bit of it, including her repossessed items that a young woman seems to be accumulating at the same auction Aunt May is attending.

Check out Whatever a Spider Can’s other Spider-Verse comic book recaps and reviews

Amazing Spider-Man #15 Recap and Review
Amazing Spider-Man #14 Recap and Review
Amazing Spider-Man #13 Recap and Review

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