Nova, Vision Join All-New, All-Different Avengers


Though I was led to believe the reveals for The All-New, All-Different Avengers would be a weekly thing, we only had to wait 24 hours to find out who was joining Ms. Marvel and Thor on the team.

Take a look:

As some of our own readers correctly guessed yesterday, that was Nova in the bottom-right, joining Kamala Khan in bringing the average age of this lineup down. I didn’t see anyone guess that the Vision was the flying figure to the right of Thor, so that’s a bit of a surprise, though perhaps Marvel simply wants to capitalize on his appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron. He’s also a bit of a cheat on the “All-New, All-Different” part since he’s been a long-serving member of the Avengers in the past, and even had a stint as chairperson.

That leaves us with three figures yet to be unveiled, and since I’m pretty darn sure that’s the Sam Wilson Captain America in the center, only two really stand out as possible surprises. My favorite guesses from around the internets are Miles Morales for the silhouette in front and Rescue (Pepper Potts) for the Iron Man-looking shadow on the left. Chances are we won’t have to wait too long to see if those turn out to be correct.

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