Arrow Synopsis – Season 3, Episode 19: Broken Arrow


The ultimate sacrifice is giving your own life to save another, but Roy Harper made one nearly as big last week. With the law all but closing its fist on Oliver Queen, Roy dressed up as the Arrow and unmasked in public, forcing Quentin Lance to accept his surrender even though he knows the truth.

That turn of events complicates an already difficult situation for Ollie, who is still pondering taking over for Ra’s al Ghul as head of the League of Assassins, albeit under extreme duress. Oh, and the criminal element of Starling City isn’t just going to sit around waiting for our heroes to sort everything out.

Thus, we get a brand new villain this week on Arrow just to make everything that much more fun. Check out the official synopsis for “Broken Arrow”:

"Lance (Paul Blackthorne) continues his mission to take down the Arrow (Stephen Amell) so Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) orders Oliver to keep a low profile. However, when a meta-human named Jake Simmons (guest star Doug Jones), who kills people with blasts of energy and plasma, starts terrorizing Starling City, Oliver is forced to ask Ray (Brandon Routh) for help. The unlikely duo is forced to team up to save the city."

If you watched The Flash this week, you know that Ray got some assistance making his Atom suit a little sturdier and less likely to crap out on him. Then again, it was also taken out by just diving into a body of water, so there’s definitely some work to do.

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This week’s villain comes from one of my favorite comics growing up, All-Star Squadron. There he was called Deathbolt, but I’m thinking he won’t get that nickname on TV until he shows up on The Flash later this season and Cisco Ramon gets to do his naming thing.

On a more serious note, rumors continue to swirl that someone isn’t going to survive the season. It would be the highest of tragedies if Oliver ends up heading the League and still loses one of his team members, and a little bit of a crutch to do another death late in the season like the series has done each of the first two years, but it’s something to keep in mind. I could see Roy, Felicity and Diggle all as possibilities, and I’d be upset about any of them being killed off, for different reasons.

Be sure to catch “Broken Arrow” Wednesday night at 9 pm on The CW, and join us back here for a full recap about 20-30 minutes after it’s finished. For even more analysis, we’d like to direct you toward the Arrow After Show from, where hosts Ann Campea, Kaori Takee, David Griffin and Michael A. Medina are waiting to incorporate your questions with the hashtag #ArrowAfterShow into their latest edition.

Next: Previously, on Arrow: our recap of Public Enemy

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