Avengers: Age Of Ultron Primer – Ulysses Klaw

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Klaw’s Abilities

Klaw is a being of solidified sound.  Because of this form, he also has superhuman strength, endurance, and durability.  His weapon-of-choice is a molybdenum steel sound generator secured to his right wrist — where his hand use to be.  This weapon allows him to manipulate and focus sound energy into deadly sonic wave blasts.  The weapon can also make sound into objects with mass.

The weapon was originally created by Klaw, but it was later improved by AIM — Baron Wolfgang von Strucker’s organization.  Baron Strucker appears in Avengers: Age of Ultron, so he may have a hand (pun intended) in Klaw’s transformation in the film.

As powerful as Klaw is, he is not without weaknesses.  Klaw is known to be susceptible to Vibranium — the material Captain America’s shield is made out of.  The reason is that Vibranium absorbs all vibrations.  And since the fundamental principle of sound is basically the disturbance or vibration of air, it’s only logical that Klaw would be vulnerable to it.

Next: Klaw's future appearances

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