See All The NFL Team Helmets Get A Marvel Makeover

I wish I had any Photoshop or image-editing skills whatsoever. Because if I did, maybe I’d be the one coming up with cool stuff like redesigning the helmets of every NFL team by combining them with Marvel super heroes.

Alas, I’ll just have to leave that task in the hands of talented folks like Justin Kozisek, who did exactly what I just described (with a few villains and characters of gray moral shades thrown in for good measure). Kozisek definitely went with a “less is more” approach, choosing not to do anything too radical with his designs.

Still, the results are pretty impressive. Some of my favorites include the Cleveland Things, because adding Ben Grimm’s rocky texture is a great upgrade to the plainest helmets in the NFL, and the Tennessee Thors, if for no other reason than Mjolnir just seems like such an obvious and fitting substitute for the sword in the Titans’ actual logo.

A few others are stretches, but I’m not to knock anyone who can do something I’d never be able to do myself. Be sure to hit up Kozisek’s JK Creative site for a slideshow that spotlights large images of each individual helmet. I almost guarantee you’ll find a few that tickle your fancy, even if you aren’t thrilled by what he did to your favorite team.

(via Fast Company)

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