An Interview With Cosplayer Ireland Reid

If you have been to any type of comic book or pop culture show in the last few years, then you know how big cosplaying has become. Cosplay, dressing up and acting like your favorite anime, science-fiction or comics character, has gone well beyond its fringe origins and become a mainstream part of geek culture — so much so that some cosplayers have actually decided to try making a living at it.

One such cosplayer is Ireland Reid. A recent addition to the professional cosplayer ranks, Ireland has already amassed quite a following thanks to her outgoing nature and over-the-top personality. Known for her elaborate cosplays that she makes almost 100% herself, she always has time for fans at cons and is very active on social media with everyone else.

Ireland was nice enough to sit down and answer some questions for me via email about cosplaying and what her life is like now that she has joined the pro cosplaying ranks.

Bam Smack Pow: So what’s the secret origin of Ireland Reid?

Ireland Reid: Hmm, not sure I have a secret origin, I am just me lol. A geek who grew up, learning to love herself and now gets to be herself everyday, which thanks to pop culture, is now acceptable lol.

BSP: Have you always considered yourself a geek?

Reid: Yes, I grew up with a very geeky father and brothers so I would say it’s in the genes lol.

BSP: When did you first decide to start cosplaying?

Reid: Started fall of 2013. I have made costumes and theme wear for fitness girls and other cosplayers but never thought I would wear my own at a convention.

BSP: Do you make all your own cosplays?

Reid: About 98% of them. They are occasional times where a few small accessories or pieces in which I do not have the machinery to make that I have to commission out.

BSP: How long on average does it take to make one?

Reid: Varies depending on character. Sometimes 35 hours, sometimes 160 hours.

BSP: Do you have a favorite among those that you have done?

Reid: Each one is a different adventure, a different challenge for me, so they are all my favorites actually. If it doesn’t push me in a creative/design aspect, then it is not a good cosplay, but that is my personal opinion about my own.

BSP: What’s it like to meet the fans face to face at the cons?

Reid: It’s amazing. I never thought in a million years that anybody was ever into the same things I was into, and now there are conventions packed with people just like me. It’s like Utopia and I just love it! It’s people who believe in my work, that keep me going when the going gets beyond tough and I’m forever in their debt for it.

BSP: What advice would you give to someone looking to begin doing cosplay?

Reid: Do it because you love it, never do it because you think it will pay a lot. Making cosplays can be very expensive and if you get into it thinking you’re making money overnight, it doesn’t. Do something because you love it and love meeting others who share the same passion for the craft, but keep your day job.

BSP: If you could sum up Ireland Reid in one sentence, what would it be?

Reid: Literally the geekiest girl next door you will ever meet!

You can learn more about Ireland Ried on her Facebook, Twitter or on Ireland

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