See What A Real Dazzler Music Video Would Look Like

These days, most awesome videos go viral pretty quickly. But the internet is a big place, and if you have friends that can do some of the work for you, there are any number of hidden gems you can uncover – gems like a music video that you can easily see Dazzler herself making if she was a real person.

For those of you unfamiliar with Ms. Alison Blaire, she’s a mutant hero who made her first appearance in an X-Men comic back in 1980. She later joined the team and served multiple stints, but she’s also known for having one of the more interesting day jobs of any Marvel super hero, as Dazzler was also a musical sensation, first in disco (yes, really), and later in other genres. Her ability to turn sound into light came in handy there, as she was essentially her own stage show.

That’s pretty much all you need to know to appreciate the awesomeness of the music video below, which is called “The Sight of the Sound,” itself a play on Dazzler’s mutant power. As you watch, you’ll see what could be an autobiographical story for Blaire herself play out, as she attempts to rise above her boring day jobs (like working at Burger Clown!) to take a shot at stardom. The only difference is that for Dazzler, using her powers to save people from mishaps and outwit S.H.I.E.L.D. agents also comes with the territory.

Big props to Gentry Roth, who takes cosplay to the next level with the help of a song she wrote along with Arvin Bautista and Taiwo Heard. I dare you to watch the whole way through and not find yourself singing it later. There’s something perfectly late 80s-early 90s about it, which is fitting since that’s probably when the character’s profile was highest.

And X-Men fans, you should appreciate the cameo from another mutant who played an important role in Dazzler’s life.

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