Spider-Man features on Howard the Duck #1 third printing cover

Howard the Duck has always been one of Marvel’s wry little in jokes and in a similar way to Squirrel Girl it doesn’t take itself seriously at all. As evidenced by Spider-Man’s evolving dialogue on the cover of the third printing of Howard the Duck #1.


I say evolving dialogue because the first printing of Howard the Duck #1 didn’t have any dialogue on it at all between Howard and Spidey peering in through the window (as you can see in the banner image at the top of the page.)

Which brings us to the second print. For those that missed it, the second printing introduced a little dialogue with Spider-Man telling Howard that he knew he could do it and that he’d always believed in him !


Here’s hoping that more people go out and buy Howard the Duck #1 so that the conversation between Spider-Man and Howard can continue on the Quinones variant cover for the fourth printing!

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