Joker & Harley Quinn vs. Deadpool & Domino-WHO YA GOT?


One of geekdom’s favorite past times is arguing who would win a fight, especially if it’s characters that would most likely never meet because they are owned by different competing companies and therefore there will likely be no crossover product definitively settling the matter. But that doesn’t stop the folks behind Super Power Beatdown, who produce a well done fan film and then let the fans decide who wins. This time it’s the Joker & Harley vs. Deadpool & Domino.

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Again, this is an incredibly fan film that’s very true to the characters and loaded with tons of fan service (i.e. the Joker grabbing a crowbar and saying “ah, memories!”). My favorite part (and something that I think would totally happen should these four ever fight for real) is Harley & Domino having a very serious throwdown while Joker & Deadpool simply watch and eat popcorn. I won’t spoil who wins, but if you are realistic about it (as realistic as you can be about two fictional characters anyways), it’s pretty obvious who comes out on top. Check out the video below:

Super Power Beatdown has a ton of other videos you should check out, they are all pretty entertaining. Hopefully we’ll see more featuring Batman characters in the near future.


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