Comic-Con 2015: Bam Smack Pow’s 8 Biggest Hall H Wishes

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Show Us Green Lantern(s)

(Write-up by Steve Lam, Bam Smack Pow Staff Writer)

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There’s been recent buzz in the area concerning a Green Lantern movie. The first rumor through the grapevine came from Tyrese Gibson, who’s been lobbying himself — Sean Young-style (for people too young to know what I mean, here’s a YouTube video uploaded by Sean Young herself) — to be John Stewart. Well, maybe not that far, but you know what I mean.

I have nothing against the guy, but I would actually like someone with a bit more gravitas. However, aside from that little tidbit, the big rumor is that Chris Pine — Captain Kirk in the rebooted Star Trek film franchise — is up for the role of Hal Jordan. Originally, it was rumored that Pine was auditioning for the role of Steve Trevor, the love interest for Wonder Woman.

The most current news is that WB/DC may not be just looking at a solo Green Lantern film, but a film that encompasses the Green Lantern Corps with multiple human protagonists: Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner. When I first heard that news, I completely geeked out thinking of the possibilities. Could WB/DC be creating small islands of superhero teams and then have a war that spans multiple films? Will they be drawing on any one particular storyline? The Blackest Night, perhaps?

I have a feeling that WB/DC will surprise us by doing a fake-out and then bringing multiple actors on stage. They will then present the actors as the new Green Lanterns.

Next: The forgotten Justice Leaguer