Silk was a polarizing character during Dan Slott’s introduction of her in the Amazing Spider-Man books, particularly during the Spider-Verse event, but since then her character has really come alive and her comic has become one of my favourites! So, perhaps, like me, you’ll be pleased to know that she’s coming back ‘All New’ and ‘All Different’

It’s still being written by Robbie Thompson and it’s being drawn by the woman who did the art for Disney’s Paperman short, which is pretty cool, and also why Silk’s existing comic looks slightly Disney-like.
The cover doesn’t give much away at all. We have the tag-line ‘The Sinister Silk’ and we see Cindy Moon with a fairly angry/menacing facial expression carrying a large wad of cash she’s presumably stolen from a bank. There’s a shocked bank-woker behind her, and incapacitated police officers who have been webbed up.
So, this means one of two things. Either Silk is transitioning into a Super-Villain in a similar manner to the Black Cat’s recent transformation in Amazing Spider-Man, or she has to so some bad things in order to find her family, which is the one thing she wants.
We do know that Silk is getting at least one ‘Last Days Of’ Secret Wars tie-in issue before it resets to zero, so perhaps that comic will give us a big clue as to what direction Cindy Moon is heading in. As this is a comic book I’m going to wager that all is not as it seems here!
Next: Click here to see all of the All-New, All-Different Spider-Man Titles so Far