Bam Smack Pow Cosplay Spotlight: ThorTV


Meet Fellow Cosplayer ThorTV!

If cosplay is the sincerest form of flattery, then the God of Thunder would smile upon ThorTV. The NorCal native has been involved in cosplay for two years. When he is not attending conventions or events, he is engaged in brotherly shenanigans with fellow cosplaying Asgardian Loki Hates You. Bam Smack Pow got the chance to sit down with ThorTV to find out what keeps him motivated to cosplay.

Bam Smack Pow: Who or what inspired you to cosplay?

ThorTV: After the first Thor movie came out, I had a lot of people tell me I look like Thor. Friends, family, random strangers, little kids, even the neighbor’s dog. Ok, maybe not the dog … After being called Thor for so long, I decided to do small video skits of Thor, but I needed a costume. I didn’t want some goofy Halloween costume, so I looked into getting one custom made. This is how I accidentally discovered cosplay through the wonderful internet. I was amazed by it. Being someone who LOVES to dress up during Halloween, I immediately took a liking to cosplay. So here I am, with another expensive hobby under my belt. I couldn’t be happier.

What do you do when you aren’t cosplaying?

When I’m not cosplaying, I’m fathering four monsters (my children), ranging ages from 13 to 3. Three boys and one girl. My monsters are my life. They keep me on my toes. They challenge me daily, and I love them very much.

When I do get free time, I am engaging in one of my other hobbies such as making videos, doing photography, making music or drawing. Pretty much anything creative that sparks my interests.

Why has Thor becoming your one and only favorite character to cosplay?

Well, just because I only cosplay as Thor, there are different variations. I would say my favorite as of now is my “Party Thor” costume. Party Thor is basically Thor in a pair of jeans, shirt and a fancy red overcoat. The overcoat was custom made by Ginryuu Cosplay on Facebook. Her work is phenomenal. This is the outfit Thor wears during a party in Avengers: Age of Ultron. This is why it’s my favorite, because its my newest costume, and its SUPER comfortable. All I have to do is roll out of bed, throw on a shirt and pants, put my hair in a ponytail, throw on my shoes and overcoat, grab my hammer, grab my empty beer mug, and out the door I go!

What about your Thor costume has proved to be the biggest challenge with the most rewards so far and why?

My biggest challenge is making the costume from scratch. I looked at 24 different photos of Thor for reference. I took measurements, drew it all out, custom made EVERY stencil, took a million trips to 3 different fabric stores, and  spent 26 days making it. I put in over 250 hours. This is my first costume I’ve made and my first time sewing.

The reward of this costume is the fact I finally get to wear something I designed for myself.  As an added bonus, the design actually came out WAAAAAY better then I expected. Honestly I thought I would have to scrap it when I was done, but I’m very proud of it.

Do you get to travel the country to different conventions? Or are your local to one area?

The furthest I’ve traveled for a con is to Southern California. Mainly to hit some of the bigger cons, in addition to hanging out and cosplaying with my close friend Loki Hates You.

What is the best advice you would give someone new to cosplaying?

The only thing I can say is just have fun with it. Don’t be nervous. Don’t feel silly. Don’t feel like no one will like you. We are nerds in costumes. My dad cosplayed with me for his very first time. At 53 years old. At the end of the con he said in a surprised voice, “They were the nicest people I’ve ever met!” He was very impressed and enjoyed himself. Just own it and be yourself. It’s all about having fun. If it’s not fun, you’re doing something wrong.

What con can fans expect to see you at next?

I don’t have these planned out as well as I should. But for now its safe to say I’ll do everything I can to always hit SDCC and Comikaze every year. Any time I plan attend a con,  I let every one know on my ThorTV page on Facebook.

You can find ThorTV all over social media! For more information, pictures, and updates on ThorTV cosplay be sure to like his Facebook page, and follow him on TwitterInstagram, Tumblr, or you can check out his videos on Youtube!

Next: Bam Smack Pow Cosplay Spotlight: Holly T. Wolf

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