Meet The New Batman: Donald Trump?


Comic book readers are just getting used to Jim Gordon as Batman. But now we might have to adjust to a very different Dark Knight, one who’s running for office instead of working for the GCPD.

That’d be Donald Trump, the real estate tycoon turned reality TV star turned unlikely frontrunner for the Republican nomination for the 2016 presidential election. In a campaign stop this weekend in Iowa — an important state in the early part of the nomination process — the Donald flew in via helicopter to speak to supporters and curious people of all kinds.

One of the things he did while there was to take kids on rides in his custom Sikorsky S-76B, the kind of ride Bruce Wayne probably has at his disposal. One 9-year-old asked him on-camera if he was Batman, and as you can see on Facebook, he answered affirmatively.

Since Trump is known for his brashness and telling people exactly what he feels, it’s probably no surprise that he’d reveal his dual identity to the world. Yes, villains might try striking back at him while he’s not in costume, but our guess is Trump would just tell them to bring it on.

Jokes aside, maybe some bold moderator could bring this up in the next Republican debate. Are you really Batman? At least we don’t have to wonder, as the Joker once did, where he gets those wonderful toys …

(via CNN)

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