The History Of The Batarang


Batman has a lot of gadgets, but none of them is more prevalent or more directly associated with the Dark Knight than the Batarang.

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Far more than just a simple weapon, the Batarang has been used to get Batman out of many tight situations. He always seems to have one (or several) handy just when he needs it. But what is the history of the Batarang? Well, this video goes into detail about when it first appeared, all the different Batarangs Batman has had over the years, and other various tidbits about Batman’s most famous tool. Check out the the video below:

I wouldn’t thin Batman would bother with having a budget for something he uses so indiscriminately, but maybe he keeps better tabs on those things than I thought. Batman certainly wouldn’t be the Batman we know today without his most famous gadget, in all it’s various incarnations.

h/t Batman-News

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