Investigative Report: When IS the REAL Batman Day?


So, don’t know if you’re heard, but the internet claimed May 1st is Batman Day. The annual celebration of the Dark Knight is being honored all over the world officially on September 25th this year, but is it actually Batman Day?

First, the reason people seem to choose May 1st, 1939 as the semi-official holiday is the cover date on Detective Comics #27. Officially on newsstands as the May issue, they assume that today would logically serve as a good date. The reality of publication is that the official month on the cover of comics has never actually been when the book hits shelves. Detective #27 certainly didn’t come out in May.

Last year DC Comics announced Batman Day to be July 23rd, but that had more to do with coinciding with Comic-Con in San Diego and the marketing involved. The justifications were flimsy at best. This year it was announced as September 25th. Also seemingly arbitrary.

So, if May 1st isn’t really The Day, and July 23rd was a manufactured date, that means yesterday must have been as well. Then when is Batman Day? Well, according to the official copyright for Batman’s first appearance, issue #27 arrived on March 30th.

Image: MTV

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Hilariously, May 1st is the day that issue #28 actually debuted, being the second appearance of Batman. That means that everyone celebrating in May, August, or July as the big anniversary is far too late.

The REAL Batman Day is March 30th and no one knows it.

Sorry guys. Try again next March.

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