Arrow Season 3 Netflix Release Date Revealed


Rejoice, Arrow fans with Netflix subscriptions! While the series is back with new episodes the first full week of October, it’s been a long wait during the break between seasons to see if and when Season 3 would hit Netflix.

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Fortunately, the wait to find out is over, and the wait for the episodes themselves to become available isn’t much longer either. Thanks to our friends at Netflix Life, we can now tell you that all Season 3 episodes of Arrow will be ready to stream on Netflix at 12:01 am Pacific time (3:01 am Eastern) on Wednesday, October 7. You’ll no doubt note that’s the same day as the Season 4 premiere, so if you have the day off work, you can do a marathon session to get ready for the new one at night.

While hope always springs eternal that Netflix will have this series a bit sooner, this release date follows the patterns established for the last two seasons of Arrow, which also hit the streaming service on the same day the next season debuted on The CW. It seems prudent to expect that the same will apply going forward, as long as Arrow remains on Netflix — which isn’t 100 percent guaranteed as the contract is said to be up for negotiation again in the near future.

In any case, if you didn’t get Season 3 on Blu-ray, you’ll now have a convenient way to re-watch it any time as of next week. And if you like Arrow as much as we do here at Bam Smack Pow, we know you probably will.

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