Gotham: It’s A Twist That Leads To More Twists


Tonight’s episode of Gotham, “The Last Laugh” certainly provided quite am unexpected twist with yet another unexpected death of a major character (which I won’t spoil here). Gotham EP Bruno Heller talked about that death and more with Deadline.

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"Because it’s a twist that leads to more twists. The creation of the Joker is a larger and more epic story than people realize, and this show is very much about kind of the deep, secret history. So, as the show rolls on, people will see how a mythology is born, how a kind of cultural mien is created that will lead us to the Joker himself.When the Joker appears, he is an inevitable part of the history of Gotham. He’s not someone who created himself out of nothing. He’s part of a whole cultural history, a whole tradition. I know that sounds kind of highfalutin, but that’s what the twist is about."

And why did this death happen so early in the season?

"If we’d left it for a season ender, I think people would have felt that we had sold them a dummy, if you like. That it was a red herring, that we were just simply using the brilliance of Cameron Monaghan to goose the show. When in fact, it’s actually a much deeper and longer game we’re playing. We want them to ask that question and be engaged in, you know, how the hell does this longer story play out? You make it a season ender, you’re kind of putting more weight on it, and you’re kind of tricking the audience. We don’t want to trick the audience.Look, it was very much a considered decision, and we recognized that we’re putting a twist in the story that will take some people aback and be shocking. Fine. We weren’t trying to lie before about who Jerome is, and where he’s going, but it’s the first chapter in a longer story."

Read the full article over at Deadline for more on the concept of origin stories in Gotham and be sure to tune in every Monday on Fox for all the twists in Gotham!

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