New York Comic Con 2015 Cosplay Photo Gallery

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Photo by Dale Plummer, used with permission.

Batman and Friends … and Foes

So … much … Batman! That’s not a complaint, mind you, simply an observation. The Dark Knight and his allies were well represented at New York Comic Con, as were Batman’s most recognizable villains. Above, you’ll see a sweet New 52 style Batman next to a really detailed Red Hood.

Photo by Dale Plummer, used with permission.

Batgirl is always a cosplay favorite, with the classic Barbara Gordon version getting the most love. Surprisingly, I didn’t see too many people sporting her current look despite my thought that it might be slightly easier to put together.

Photo by Dale Plummer, used with permission.

Iconic looks for Batman and the Joker here. Even though these aren’t cosplays based on the 1989 Tim Burton film, something about their pose made me think of saying, “You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?”

This Riddler was an interesting one. He almost looked like a cross between the Riddler and the Jack Knight Starman with those googles. And I felt like this Penguin needed a hat to put him over the top, but maybe he lost it in a scuffle.

We can’t forget about Robin! Thanks to the identity changing hands numerous times over the years, cosplayers have a number of options when it comes to Batman’s partner. This one reminded me of Damian Wayne the most, but there’s some Tim Drake influence in there too.

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