Arrow To Bring Constantine Back For Good?


As great as this week’s episode of Arrow was, it was the preview of next week’s episode that created all the buzz.  Before reading on, please keep in mind that the following is going to contain spoilers about next week’s episode as well as some other tidbits. You have been warned.

The reason is that in that little snippet that The CW teased for next week showed that we are only a week away from the Arrow/Constantine crossover. The makers of Arrow are bringing the mystical John Constantine in for his special skills, but could it lead to much more?

First off, here’s the story. On Arrow, Laurel Lance and Thea Queen exhumed the body of Laurel’s dead sister Sara, and the two of them headed Nanda Parbat. This is where the Lazarus Pit is that brought Thea back from the dead, and Laurel wanted to use it to bring her sister back as well.

Though initially resistant, Malcolm Merlyn conceded to use the Pit on Sara, although he warned that she wouldn’t come back the same. Even Thea, who appears normal for the most part, has periods of growing bloodlust that can only be temporarily suppressed by killing. Even with that, they carried out the ceremony, bringing back a rather primal Sara from the dead.

Last week, we saw Sara locked in Laurel’s basement, still a ravenous shell of herself. As indicated by big bad Damien Darhk, she came back without her soul, and he suggested that she should be put down. Her dad, Captain Lance, was unable to finish the deed, and the episode ended with no resolution.

But never fear, because the master of the mystical is on the way. The creators of the show are bringing John Constantine to the show next week to help restore Sara’s soul. If you don’t know about the character of Constantine, he’s a tremendous DC comic character that had his own show on NBC for one season. Go find it and binge-watch before next week, then thank me later.

The people at NBC were fools for not bringing the show back, but The CW saw it as an opportunity, and the guest appearance is sure to pull in plenty of viewers that migrated from the show. Constantine is a detective that specializes in cases involving the mystic and supernatural. He can harness amazing amounts of magical power through spells and artifacts, and in the crossover, it appears he is an old friend of Oliver Queen.

Queen is calling him in for a favor, and Constantine is going to do his very best to get Sara’s soul back into her body. Will he succeed? Before I answer that, again, beware of spoilers.

Even though the preview doesn’t show it, Constantine is successful in getting Sara back up and running, and she assumes the role of White Canary. We know this because if you’ve seen the trailer for the upcoming series Legends of Tomorrow, you see that White Canary is on the team and seemingly back to her old self.

So the question remains, how much will the makers of Arrow use Constantine as a character? Considering the cult following the show has, and how popular John is, it is hard to imagine this being a one and done situation. Additionally, with the added mysticism of big bad Damien Darhk and even bigger bad Vandal Savage on Legends, it only makes sense that Team Arrow could use the assistance of the snarky supernatural detective on a more regular basis.

Next: Arrow Season 4, Episode 4 Recap

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