Suicide Squad: Jared Leto Was Locked Up


More details on the lengths Jared Leto went to in order to stay in character for Suicide Squad

We’ve gotten various reports detailing how Jared Leto went completely method while filming Suicide Squad for his role as the latest actor to tackle the iconic role of Batman’s greatest nemesis, The Joker. He sent odd gifts to castmates (including live rats). Suicide Squad co-star Will Smith claims he hasn’t really met Jared Leto. Other cast and crew members reported they were intimidated by Leto as he just always seemed to be in character on set.

A new report has emerged dismissing some of the claims of just how into character Jared Leto was at all times, but adding some interesting tidbits on how he got into the proper mindset while filming. Not Yet Rated cited an exclusive anonymous source about Leto’s behavior on the Suicide Squad set:

"My source tells me that while working on the set of Suicide Squad, Jared Leto wasn’t as difficult with the crew as previously reported. In fact, my source claims that he’s never once heard anyone call Jared “Mr. J” in order for him to cooperate. What my source has told me, however, is that during a portion of the filming, the cast and crew were located in a prison and when filming wrapped up for the day, Jared would tell the crew to lock him up in one of the cells, keep the key and allow him to stay in the prison cell overnight."

So just how much Leto was in character at all times might be in debate, and of course this is an anonymous source vs. numerous cast and crew on record telling us things about Leto’s methods and behavior, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Of course, it’s honestly just as likely that the cast and crew of Suicide Squad are simply hyping the movie. Maybe this is all a big marketing stunt to drum up hype. I don’t think that many people were opposed to Leto’s casting, but Joker’s look for the new DC universe has certainly ruffled some feathers, so they instead hype the performance so much that no one is focused on his appearance or an at least get past it and judge him more on his performance in the movie.

Next: Suicide Squad: Who Will Survive?

We’ve got quite a long wait ahead of us until Suicide Squad opens in August of next year, so hopefully we’ll get some more evidence that Leto’s reported dedication to the role paid off in a great performance as new trailers and articles come out.