Captain America and Iron Man confirmed for Marvel’s Spider-Man movie?

Obviously the big Marvel superhero buzz is rightly with the incredible Civil War trailer that was just released, as well as the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D midseason finale which promises to include a few incredible shocks. But we here at Whatever a Spider Can were disappointed (and quite happy at the same time) that there were no real glimpses of Spidey in the trailer. Naturally we want to see as much of Spider-Man as possible, all of the time, but deep down we’re fairly happy Marvel have made the decision, for now at least, to hold Spider-Man’s big Marvel universe debut back from the press releases and marketing blasts and save it for the film.

However a potential rumour regarding the two stars of the Civil War trailer, Captain America and Iron Man, as well as everyone’s Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man has surfaced online today that whilst we didn’t see Spidey in the Civil War trailer, we may very well be seeing Captain America and Iron Man in the trailer for Marvel’s Spider-Man film in 2017.

This is a rumour that has been doing the rounds for quite some time now with Robert Downey Jr hinting ages ago that he’d be in the film. As well as a now mostly proven bogus Latino Review Spider-Man scoop that also claimed Iron Man would be in the movie.  However this time it’s Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans together who are stirring the potential Avengers crossover pot for the new Spider-Man film with comments they gave during an interview revealing that they’d be filming for another superhero film fairly soon. Yahoo quotes via ComicBook

"Talking about the film, Evans complained about how hot it was in Atlanta, US [where the film was shot] to which Downey Jr replied, “By the way, we are going to shoot in Atlanta again, you and I.” Evans agreed, “I know, I’m ready, I’m ready.”"

The reason people are assuming this means the two will appear in the Spider-Man film is because only two Marvel films are slated to film in Atlanta, one is Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and one is the Spider-Man flick fronted by Tom Holland. Naturally Spider-Man is the more probable of the two as it’s unlikely Cap and Iron Man will end up in space.

We’ll all have to wait until 2017 to find out.

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