Geoff Johns Got a Crazy Batman v Superman Gift

Geoff Johns Got a Crazy Batman v Superman Gift

With films like Batman v Superman there are always silly or seemingly superfluous marketing tie-ins. DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns not only received one of these, but the fanciest version possible.

It was probably inevitable that there would be BvS themed cereal (I remember eating Batman cereal in 1989) but very few people have will ever get to enjoy it like this:

Johns was given this set as a Christmas present from cereal makers General Mills, and with it was a note that read

"Hey, Batman and Superman fans!General Mills is sending you an exclusive first taste of both of our new super hero cereals.General Mills is sending you an exclusive first taste of both of our new super hero cereals.Whether you are a fan of The Dark Knight or the Man of Steel, we know you’ll love both these cereals. So eat up and show your super hero allegiance — to Batman or Superman or both — on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook using #batmancereal or #supermancereal — or if you like, both: #superheroescereal.Now, gear up and save the day, one bowl of cereal at a time!— A fellow Batman V. Superman fan"

That’s pretty cool, to be sure. If you were going to eat a cheesy kids breakfast cereal, this would be the one way to make the experience worthwhile.

The cereal flavors are Chocolate Strawberry for Batman and Caramel Crunch for Superman. How they came to those conclusions, I’ll never know. But I bet they’re going to be a guilty pleasure around the household.

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The one question that remains: where is the Wonder Woman edition? I understand that companies don’t necessarily market things like this to girls (sexist oversight) but they seem to be missing out on a key demographic.

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Wonder Woman is going to bring a lot of fans into the fold that have been sorely neglected, so they really need to start pushing for it or they’re going to drop the ball.
