New Suicide Squad Trailer Will Debut January 19 On The CW


Plenty of superhero movies have had some time in the sun over the last few weeks thanks to new trailers, but if you’ve been wondering when a new Suicide Squad trailer was on the way, wonder no more.

As Comic Book Resources reports, the latest Suicide Squad trailer will debut on January 19, airing that night on The CW. Why? Well, because the hour after the first new 2016 episode of The Flash is going to be taken up by two new specials: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: Their Time is Now, about the upcoming series of the same name, and DC Films Presents: Dawn of the Justice League, which will look at Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and upcoming movies starring DC heroes.

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That’s some nice synergy, and it makes perfect sense that the Suicide Squad trailer will air during the second special. As for what to expect, besides some new footage … well, that’s anyone’s guess. What we haven’t seen a lot of so far is Amanda Waller and how she “persuaded” the villains to go on missions in the first place. In other words, something that lays out the premise a little more directly for non-comic book fans.

And yes, I’d imagine we’ll get new Joker and Harley Quinn scenes, because those are the money-makers. Maybe more with Deadshot as well, since you don’t get Will Smith to star in your super hero movie just to hide him away.

Since movie trailers that debut on TV generally hit the internet on or around the same time, I imagine we’ll have a breakdown for you on the 19th or shortly thereafter. Suicide Squad is ramping things up on the publicity front ahead of its August 5, 2016 release.